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The most common thing for a plugin to do is to register schema hooks.

The GraphQL hooks allow you to manipulate the argument (specification) that is being passed to the GraphQL object constructors before the objects are constructed. You can think of hooks as wrappers around the original object spec, like this:

const MyType = newWithHooks(GraphQLObjectType, spec);

// is equivalent to:

const MyType = new GraphQLObjectType(hook3(hook2(hook1(spec))));

Plugins declare which hooks they'd like to register as seen in the plugin documentation.

Every hook callback function must synchronously return a value - either the value that it was passed in as the first argument or a derivative of it. Generally we prefer the input object to be mutated for performance reasons.

Hook functions for a given hook name run by default in the order they were registered, which is why the order of plugins is sometimes relevant, however plugin authors are encouraged to use the graphile-config features to declare the before/after for either their plugins or the individual hooks.

Stages of the build process

The hookName that you register the function for must match one of the supported hooks.

The general flow is:

  1. A new Build object with the basic functionality is created
  2. The build hook allows plugins to add new utility methods to the build object itself, or overwrite previously declared ones.
  3. A Behavior instance is added to the Build object, and behaviors for all the relevant entities are registered.
  4. The build object is frozen to prevent further modification.
  5. The init hook acts as the setup phase where all possible types should be registered via build.registerObjectType, build.registerUnionType, etc.
  6. The schema is constructed internally using newWithHooks(GraphQLSchema, …), where the query, mutation and subscription root operations are provided by the respective default plugins (e.g. QueryPlugin). This in turn triggers all the various hooks to be called in a recursive fashion as types, fields, arguments and so on are created.
  7. The finalize hook allows plugins to replace the schema that has been built with an alternative (likely derivative) schema, should that be desired. It also opens an opportunity to do something with the built schema (for example log it out) before it is returned.

This hook system makes the library both powerful and flexible, at the expense of traceability - instead of having a clear declarative import, the origin of a called method might be in any of the used plugins, or even multiple ones. See PostGraphile's Debugging instructions for how to alleviate this.

Hook callback functions will be called with 3 arguments:

  1. The input object (e.g. the spec that would be passed to the GraphQLObjectType constructor)
  2. The Build object (see below)
  3. The Context object (see below) which contains a scope property

Build object (Build)

The Build Object contains a number of helpers and sources of information relevant to the current build of the GraphQL API. If you're in watch mode then every time a new schema is generated a new build object will be used.

Plugins may extend the build object via the build hook. Once the build hook is complete the build object is frozen.

The most commonly used methods are:

  • build.extend(obj1, obj2) - returns a new object based on a non-destructive merge of obj1 and obj2 (will not overwrite keys!) - normally used at the return value for a hook
  • build.graphql - equivalent to require('graphql'), but helps ensure GraphQL version clashes do not occur
  • build.inflection - carries all the inflector functions for names

See Build Object for more.

Context object (Context)

The Context Object contains the information relevant to the current hook. Most importantly it contains the scope (an object based on the third argument passed to newWithHooks) but it also contains a number of other useful things. Here's some of the more commonly used ones:

  • scope - an object based on the third argument to newWithHooks or fieldWithHooks; for deeper hooks (such as GraphQLObjectType_fields_field) the scope from shallower hooks (such as GraphQLObjectType) are merged in.
  • Self - only available on deferred hooks (those that are called after the object is created, e.g.GraphQLObjectType:fields) this is the object that has been created, allowing recursive references.
  • fieldWithHooks(scope, spec) - on GraphQLObjectType_fields, used for adding a field if you need access to the field helpers (or want to define a scope)


Properties added to the Build object or set on the Context.scope should be namespaced so that they do not conflict; for example postgraphile uses the pg namespace: pgSql, pgIntrospection, isPgTableType, etc